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HAST.MINOR - Human-Animal Studies, Minor

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Program Title

Human-Animal Studies, Minor

Program Description

Minor in Human-Animal Studies

Department Title

Grade Scheme

All Grades Possible

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Catalog Full Description

The minor in HAST consists of six (3 or 4 credit) courses: two foundation courses, three electives, and a practicum. These should be selected from the same course lists as for the major (see above). In addition, for the minor (a) at least one course must be selected from the sciences and one from the humanities, (b) at least three disciplinary areas must be represented in the minor, and (c) no elective may duplicate a foundational course. One elective may be satisfied through a directed study in a HAST-related topic, subject to approval by the HAST Advisory Committee. No more than two courses in the minor may count toward the biology, environmental studies, or philosophy major.

Appropriate additional courses and directed studies from a variety of departments may be counted toward the HAST minor. To be eligible, a course must include significant attention to Human-Animal relationships and offer the opportunity to focus a research paper or project on related issues.

Students should discuss the potential of a course counting toward the minor with the instructor as early as possible (ideally, before the course has begun) and negotiate special assignments or projects in consultation with the instructor and the HAST Advisory Committee early in the semester. Negotiable courses must be approved by the Advisory Committee for credit toward the minor.