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Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services General Information

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of publication. Due to frequent changes in program regulations mandated by U.S. Congress, Department of Education, and the State of California, all the information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

This information reflects the policies, tuition, and fees for the 2023-24 academic year. New information will be available in Summer 2024.

Financial Aid Vocabulary

Acronyms and initials are frequently used in discussing financial aid; many appear in this publication. Familiarity with the following terms is helpful when investigating potential financial aid programs:




Cost of Attendance


Direct Lending


Expected Family Contribution


Free Application for Federal Student Aid


Grade Point Average


Internal Revenue Service


Student Aid Report

Who Sets the Rules, Regulations and Procedures?

Financial aid funds are provided to students primarily from three sources: federal government, state agencies, and individual colleges.

Federal (Pell Grant, Direct Loan, Work, and FSEOG programs)

Federal regulations outline and govern the following items: institutional responsibilities, student responsibilities, the application procedure, student eligibility, maintenance of student records, analysis procedure, award coordination with state and college awards, and recipient enrollment requirements.

State (Cal Grant A, Cal Grant B, and Cal B Access Grant)

The State of California regulates institutional responsibilities, student responsibilities, student eligibility, application procedure and deadlines, analysis procedure, award coordination with federal and college awards, and enrollment requirements.

College (Achievement Awards, University Scholarships and Grants, Talent Awards, Redlands Loan, Work)

Members of the University of Redlands Board of Trustees, in coordination with the Financial Aid Committee, regulate the distribution of college funds, adhering first to federal and state regulations.

The Office of Student Financial Services at the University of Redlands adheres to all federal, state, and college regulations in the application form, and in the analysis and awarding of, financial aid to ensure that regulations are not in conflict and meet the language and intent of the legislative provisions. Copies of federal, state, and institutional policies and procedures are on file in the Office of Student Financial Services.