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University Academic Standards

University Academic Standards

The following policies apply University-wide. Please refer to the Academic Standards Chapters of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the School of Business & Society, and the Graduate School of Theology for policies specific to those schools or programs.

Academic Credit Definition

One unit of semester credit is awarded for the amount of work an average student would accomplish in a minimum of 40 hours (undergraduate) and 45 hours (graduate), including the hours spent in the laboratory or classroom.

Academic Records


A transcript of a student’s complete academic record is issued only upon the student’s signed request. Students should allow two to five business days for processing. Transcripts submitted to the University of Redlands for admission or credit transfer become the property of the University of Redlands and cannot be returned to the student, copied, or forwarded to other institutions.

Student Records

The University maintains student records under the name the student had when last enrolled. A former student/alumni may not change the name on his or her permanent record except by presenting a signed request and a certified copy of the signed court order showing the authorized name change.

Recording of Degrees

University degrees are conferred at the end of each academic semester, with the official conferral date corresponding to the last date of the semester (Fall, Spring, May, and Summer). Degrees are conferred on the first official conferral date after degree requirements (required coursework, non-coursework, and necessary supporting documents) are completed.

Academic records are sealed thirty days after the conferral of a degree. After this date, changes to majors and minors, addition of departmental honors, removal of incompletes, grade changes, or other changes to an academic record cannot be made.

Catalog Year Requirement

Graduation requirements are based either on the catalog year in effect for the year of formal admission or the catalog year in effect for the year of graduation. A student cannot select graduation requirements from more than one catalog.

Application for Graduation

Students must file a formal application for graduation in the University Registrar’s Office by the first semester of their final year.


Commencement is a voluntary ceremonious event for eligible students to recognize their academic accomplishments. Students may participate in commencement in the calendar year in which they complete their degree requirements provided they meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate students

    • earn 128 credits by the end of Spring term

    • not be registered in a May term course

    • have outstanding major, minor, or LAI requirements.

    • Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements may complete a Petition to Participate in Commencement with the University Registrar's Office.

  • School of Business & Society Undergraduate students

    • officially scheduled to complete all required core courses by August 31st of the same year (courses not scheduled must be planned in Self-Service (Student Planning) by application deadline.)

    • have eight (8) or fewer non-core credits remaining

    • have submitted a detailed plan to complete remaining non-core credits by August 31st

    • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0

  • All Graduate students

    • officially scheduled to complete all required courses by August 31st of the same year (courses not scheduled must be planned in Self-Service (Student Planning) by application deadline.)

  • School of Education Doctoral candidates

    • must successfully defend their dissertation by the last day of the eleventh week of Spring Term in order to be eligible for participation in commencement.

Credit Obsolescence and Degree Completion

No course that has been completed more than six years before the date of graduation will be counted toward a University of Redlands master’s degree. No course that has been completed more than six years before the time of matriculation in the program shall be counted toward a University of Redlands doctoral degree.

School of Education students who do not complete their degrees within the six-year completion limit may apply for a degree extension (subject to fees), up to a maximum of two years (total of eight years from the original matriculation date in the degree program). Students in programs that have been eliminated or drastically changed may be required to complete the degree requirements in place at the time of an approved degree extension. If the extension is approved, the Associate Dean will determine if the student must complete the program in place at the time of the approved extension. Additionally, an approved degree completion extension will extend the Credit Obsolescence the same amount of time. If the extension is approved, a Degree Completion Extension Fee is assessed and must be paid before any registration can take place and/or credit applied to the student’s record.

Course Syllabi

University policy requires that instructors provide a syllabus to all students at the beginning of each course. The syllabus must include course objectives, an outline of the topics to be covered, a schedule (by date or topic) of major quizzes and examinations, the due dates of major assignments, and a detailed statement of grading explaining how test and assignment scores are translated into reportable grades. The syllabus must also state the minimum requirements for receiving credit in the course. (See Credit/No Credit Grading Option.)


Faculty members may administer quizzes and tests during the semester at their discretion but are expected to announce major examinations (those that exceed one hour in length) no less than one week in advance.

Final examinations must be held according to the examination schedule of the Academic Affairs office. University regulations require a final examination or major integrative work for every course.

Students usually will not be permitted to make up missed final examinations. However, if absence from any announced hour examination or final examination is required because of an emergency (such as personal or family illness), the examination may be made up if the instructor is provided with written verification of the emergency from a physician, parent, or guardian.

Students who are absent from quizzes or examinations because of intercollegiate athletics, field trips, tours, or the like will be permitted to make up the quiz or examination only if they obtain approval in advance from the instructor of the class involved. Coaches and faculty members planning field trips are expected to inform their students of such events well in advance. Students are then responsible for making suitable arrangements-in advance-with faculty of any courses from which they will be absent.