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Navigated to Study Away.

General Information and Regulations

The University encourages students to participate in a study away experience as an integral dimension of their liberal arts education.


Students considering a semester of study away must apply through the web-based study away portal. The deadline for completing this university application is December 1st for both Fall and Spring programs in the subsequent academic year. Students applying to any program other than the university’s Salzburg Semester program will later need to complete an additional application to the program they were approved to study away on. The Office of Global Education will provide students with information on their program specific applications and deadlines.


University of Redlands students must apply for study away programs through the CAS Study Away portal. Applications may be completed only for programs approved by the Office. Limited off-list programs are possible through a separate request process, which requires a formal review and approval by a committee, Director of Global Education, Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Innovation and CAS Dean. Students might not receive academic credit for any coursework completed through a program not approved by the Office of Global Education.

Student eligibility varies by program and is determined by such factors as academic and disciplinary records. Students typically must have sophomore, junior or senior year status during the period they plan to study away in order to be eligible. Students with a 2.75 GPA will be eligible for the majority of approved programs while students below a 2.75 GPA will have increasingly limited options. Students with conduct holds or who are on conduct probation are ineligible to participate. Students with concerning or serious conduct history must be cleared by the Director of Community Standards.

If a student has been approved for study away and is subsequently placed on academic warning/probation or is subject to official college discipline, approval for study away may be withdrawn. Students who voluntarily withdraw (or are required to withdraw) from a program at any stage are responsible for any unrecoverable payments made by the University to the program on behalf of the student, in addition to any applicable University tuition and fees.

All approved study away programs are offered to Redlands’ students at the current cost of standard room and board, tuition, and fees at the University of Redlands. The University, in turn, underwrites the required program expenses of tuition, room, and board. Elective program choices (e.g., field trips, course overloads, single room add on fees, etc.) are the direct personal responsibility of the student.

All students will be automatically enrolled in mandatory international insurance coverage for the duration of their program period abroad. Students are responsible for this fee. The insurance is only waived at the discretion of the Director of Global Education when a partner program requires the students enroll in their insurance plan and when this coverage satisfies University coverage requirements.

As part of preparation for a semester away, students are responsible for arranging and paying for their own transportation to and from their study away location. Partner programs that include transportation to the study site as part of the comprehensive program fee will be asked to bill the student directly for these charges.

Applicants should consider carefully how a semester away would complement their general education, majors, and career plans. Applicants discuss the appropriateness of individual programs and courses of study with their faculty advisors as well as with Office of Global Education staff. Close consultation with Academic Advisors is critical for students in better ensuring the transferability of courses as well as timely progression towards degree completion.

Academic results from any approved study away program are recorded on the student’s UofR transcript and grades earned are computed in the student’s University of Redlands grade point average. Credit earned in these programs is applied toward graduation when the Registrar’s Office receives evidence that studies have been completed through receipt of an approved program transcript.

Departments determine the applicability of off-campus coursework toward the major, and the Registrar determines acceptability of coursework toward fulfillment of Liberal Arts Inquiry requirements.

To learn more about the study away process and policies, visit the CAS Study Away website:

Study Away Preparation

The university offers the following pre-departure as well as re-entry courses in order to maximize the educational, cultural and practical benefits to students that results from study away.


