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BA.HIST - History, B.A.

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Program Title

History, B.A.


Bachelor of Arts

Program Description

Bachelor of Arts in History

Department Title

Grade Scheme

All Grades Possible

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Students who major in history explore the voices and narratives of the past in classes where they are encouraged to engage in critical analysis of multiple perspectives. Majors take two foundation courses at the 100-level and at least six electives. In addition, ideally by the end of the second year, history majors complete HIST 290 Seminar in Historical Theories and Methods, an introduction to the tools historians use to interpret historical sources and move beyond just "what happened when." In this course, students read and analyze historical literature and actively engage in historiographic debates.

In addition, majors personalize their program by declaring a thematic focus, tying together coursework, and laying the foundation for a capstone project of original historical research completed in HIST 490. In an information-based economy, the BA in history provides an excellent foundation for a wide range of careers, including teaching, business, public service, law, journalism, advertising, public relations, publishing, historical preservation, and archival management.