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BA.HAST - Human-Animal Studies, B.A.

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Program Title

Human-Animal Studies, B.A.


Bachelor of Arts

Program Description

Bachelor of Arts in Human-Animal Studies

Department Title

Grade Scheme

All Grades Possible

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Human-Animal Studies (HAST) is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field devoted to examining and critically evaluating the relationships between humans and nonhuman animals: historical or contemporary, factual or fictional, real or symbolic, beneficial or detrimental. In exploring these relationships, we acquire a greater understanding of the ways in which animals figure in our lives and we in theirs. As our understanding of ecology and the fundamental inter-connectedness of all living beings continues to grow, the importance of studying human-animal interactions becomes ever more evident.

All students with an interest in the interactions between humans and animals are encouraged to consider a Human-Animal Studies major or minor. This program will have an especially practical use for students pursuing careers related to wild or domesticated animals in zoos, shelters, refuges, wildlife rehabilitation centers, laboratory science, veterinary medicine, conservation programs, or other settings.


Students pursuing the major/minor must select an advisor as early as possible, and no later than when they declare, to help them plan a coherent and balanced course of study. Students should meet with their advisor at least once each semester to ensure a rich interdisciplinary experience. Since many of the courses have prerequisites, early planning is important.